This post is machine-translated. The original post in german language can be found here.

SysOperation-Framework: Controlling ExecutionMode and server method to be executed using the MenuItem

If you want to control the SysOperationExecutionMode and/or the server method to be executed via the MenuItem in a SysOperation construct, you can control this via the properties of the MenuItem.

Scenario: Without own controller

The following two MenuItems show how to set the properties for them:

This MenuItem calls the runService() method of a service class and sets the SysOperationExecutionMode to Synchronous:


The second MenuItem calls another method of the same class, and ensures that the processing is carried out via batch processing via the SysOperationExecutionMode ScheduledBatch.



Scenario: With own controller

If you have your own controller, you can of course also set the properties on the MenuItem:


The query can be made in the main() of the controller as follows:

class TutorialSysOperationServiceController
    extends SysOperationServiceController


public static void main(Args _args)
    TutorialSysOperationServiceController controller;
    identifierName className;
    identifierName methodName;
    SysOperationExecutionMode executionMode;

    [className, methodName, executionMode] = SysOperationServiceController::parseServiceInfo(_args);
    controller = new TutorialSysOperationServiceController(className, methodName, executionMode);



These post applies to following version:
Dynamics AX 2012

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