This post is machine-translated. The original post in german language can be found here.

Use the PreviewPartRef property of a table

Preview partHave you ever wondered how Dynamics AX builds up this window for employees when moving the mouse over the name of an employee?

This is caused by the PreviewPartRef property of a table, which allows you to quickly create preview windows.

The following steps are necessary:

  • Create a form
  • Create a form part, which points to above form
  • Create a (Display-)Menu item which points to the form part
  • Enter the name of the menu item in the poperty PreviewPartRef of the table

For example, I created a simple form for the CustGroup table and included it as described above.

Enhanced preview part

Without my customization, the preview usually looks as follows:

Original previw part

These post applies to following version:
Dynamics AX 2012

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