This post is machine-translated. The original post in german language can be found here.

Use a specific dimension as a dialogfield

If you want to use a particular dimension as a dialog field in Dynamics AX 2009 (or earlier versions), you can create your own Extended Data Type (derived from Criterias) as described below. The decisive factors are the relations of this EDT.

In the example, the cost center is to be offered as a dialog field.

Screenshot EDT

The example code was taken from a class which extends runBase.

protected Object dialog(DialogRunbase dialog, boolean forceOnClient)
    Object ret;

    ret = super(dialog, forceOnClient);

    df_project = ret.addField(TypeId(DimensionCostCenter));

    return ret;

The dialog should look like the following:

Screenshot Dialog

These post applies to following versions:
Dynamics AX 2009, Dynamics AX 4.0, Axapta 3.0

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