This post is machine-translated. The original post in german language can be found here.

How to use an assembly/DLL in Dynamics AX

To use a DLL in Dynamics AX, the DLL must be added to the References node of the AOT.

This can be achieved by right-clicking on the node and select Add Reference. This opens a dialog where - depending on the "location" of the DLL - the following steps must be taken:

  • If the DLL is already registered in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC), it should already appear in the list where they can be selected using the checkbox on the left and selected with Select now.

    To register a DLL in the GAC, it is necessary that the DLL has been signed.
    They can be achieved via the command line using the following command
    "gacutil / i MyClassLibrary.dll"
  • If the DLL for example, is stored in the BIN directory of the client, you must first select it using the Browse button. Now they should appear in the list where they can be selected using the checkbox on the left and selected with Select.

In both cases, the dialog needs to be confirmed with OK.

From this point, the DLL can be addressed as follows:

static void UseDLL(Args _args)
    MyClassLibrary.MyExampleClass myClass;

    new InteropPermission(InteropKind::CLRInterop).assert();

    myClass = new MyClassLibrary.MyExampleClass();

The DLL used in the example looks as follows: 

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MyClassLibrary
    public class MyExampleClass
        public string ExampleString()
            string myString = "Hello World!";

            return myString;

Info in MSDN:

How to sign an Assembly

How to install an Assembly into the Global Assembly Cache

These post applies to following versions:
Dynamics AX 2012, Dynamics AX 2009

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