This post is machine-translated. The original post in german language can be found here.

Impact Analysis Tool fails when deleting the baseline database

Recently when running the Impact Analysis Tool I had the problem that the installer seemed to have a problem deleting the baseline database and stopped/handled at this point. By the way, there was no entry in the event log.

Screenshot Impact Analysis Tool

Interestingly, I also couldn't see the properties of the baseline database via SQL Server Management Studio, and the following error occurred:

Property Size is not available for Database '[AX2012R3_Baseline]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights.  (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

So I have suspected that the database is broken in some way. Therefore I simply tried to re-initialize the baseline database via AXUTIL, which finally fixed my bug:

axutil schema /DB:AX2012R3_Baseline /S:MyServerName

After initializing the database I was able to start the Impact Analysis Tool without any problems.

These post applies to following version:
Dynamics AX 2012

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